Letter from CEO Guido Verbist for Revolve ReCYCLING Foundation

Dear friends,

Make a tax-deductible donation today to our charity, Revolve Recycling Foundation, and help us raise $20,000 to deliver 250 top-quality bikes to children in need across Australia.

Image: Kids bikes being delivered and ridden in remote communities, October 2023.

Because every child deserves to experience the joy of riding a bike.

Every $80 you donate will allow us to provide a fully reconditioned, high-quality bike to a child in need—a first nations child, a refugee, a child with a disability, or a child from a disadvantaged background.

Right now, thousands of bikes are lying neglected and unridden across the country—rusting away in sheds, abandoned on streets, in parks and rivers, or left out for council clean-ups, destined for landfill. Revolve Recycling is working to change the fate of these abandoned and unwanted bikes. We rescue them from the waste stream, divert them from landfill, and give them a second life. Of the bikes we’ve rescued, about half are children’s bikes.

With your help and through our charity arm, Revolve Recycling Foundation, we will ensure these rescued bikes are fully restored, safety-checked, and given to children who really need and appreciate them—children who would not otherwise get the opportunity to ride a bike.

Donate $80 or whatever you can today to get a bike to a child in need, and help us reach our target of $20,000 for 250 bikes. End of Financial Year (EOFY) and tax time is always a great time to donate to a cause, and your contribution can make a significant impact.

We are working with first nations organisations in the inner city and in the outback, schools for children with disabilities, family and child support services, refugee groups, and others to identify and deliver bikes to the communities, families, and children who need them most.

For instance, in October last year, I took a road trip with my colleague Sienna to deliver more than 100 bikes to children in remote Aboriginal communities.

Sienna delivering bikes to kids in outback Australia.

Image: Sienna delivering bikes to kids in outback Australia.

The benefits of bike riding for children are immense.

Bike riding improves children’s physical health and abilities, including balance, muscle strength, and coordination skills. It also provides a practical, affordable form of transport to get to school each day, helping to improve school attendance in disadvantaged areas. Moreover, bike riding gives children a sense of freedom and independence they may not experience in other areas of life, fostering social connections for children who feel isolated or don’t fit in. Additionally, bike riding has been shown to significantly boost mental health and wellbeing.

Your $80 donation helps cover the transport cost of collecting and delivering the bike, the cost of parts and labor to restore and repair the bike, storage, and other associated expenses, and gets a bike into the hands of a child who needs and appreciates it.

Can you help us reach our goal?

Thank you for your support.

Warm regards,

Guido Verbist
General Manager
Revolve Recycling Foundation

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