Revolve ReCYCLING Foundation

The Revolve ReCYCLING Foundation is the tax deductible charity affiliated with our social enterprise. Its mission is to get free bikes and their benefits to Australia’s disadvantaged kids, or 1000 bikes to 1000 kids per year.

Inasmuch, the Foundation practices ‘bike equity’ or the concept that access to bikes gives kids fun, responsibility, skills and opportunity. As part of bike equity, more than 500 bikes have been distributed to date including to Ukrainian refugee kids, Indigenous kids in inner Sydney, and kids in disadvantaged communities in Shoalhaven, Gippsland, the Hunter Valley, outback Queensland and elsewhere.

Last year, more than 100 bikes were distributed – in partnership with local Indigenous organisations – to seven remote Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory.

The Foundation’s Board is: David Hynes AM, a former Olympian and business leader (Chair), Elizabeth Warner, former advisor to Federal Environment Minister (Member), and Nick Harford, leading sustainability consultant (Member).

Charitable donations to the Foundation’s goals and work are welcome, as are discussions about partnerships aimed at getting more bikes out to more deserving kids.

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